Wednesday, August 18

Dirty Laundry - A few days late, I wanted to point out this remarkable article from the NYTimes which has essentially the whole back story to McGreevey's coming out drama. It's a particularly sypathetic recounting, making Golan "I'm not gay" Cipel and his lawyers look even sleazier than they first sounded. (Sounds like the gov's ex-love has got some issues of his own to work on.)

What also amazes me is the behind-the-scenes involvement, across nearly three weeks, of so many personal advisors (including his out chief-of-staff), political colleagues, party officials, and even image crafters from the Human Rights Campaign. Self-acceptance of one's homosexuality is an intensely personal, emotionally exhausting process, even when it doesn't involve breaking up a marriage and family. McGreevey's got some serious cajones to have gone through that kind of wringer, and then topped it off with a nationally televised speech, all the while keeping up appearances. However tainted with corruption the man might be, I've got to say I'm impressed.

Side note: When this story first appeared, I swear it contained an explicit statement that Cipel's sexual harrassment charge relates to an incident where McGreevey allegedly "forced" the Israeli to accept oral pleasure from the Governor. (I guess that makes the "McGreevey" sort of a "reverse Lewinski"?) However, I can no longer find that passage online, which makes me wonder if the NYTimes went back and edited itself. If so, speculate as you will as to the reasons.