Tuesday, August 17

Phoning It In - After a delightful pitstop in the Big Apple (thanks Chad, if you are reading this), I have arrived in Switzerland. I did not bring the laptop, but I have finally located an Internet café in Geneva, so here is a quick blog entry. It has been alternately hot and rainy here...my passport got soaked during a downpour on my way to meet Netty for lunch at the WTO. But otherwise, it has been a great trip so far. Geneva is less Swiss than I imagined...but then again it is not really in the chalet zone. Today I made it to the Jardin Botanique, Natural History Museum and Rousseau Island. Unfortunately, most museums are closed on Tuesdays and so my plans to see the Red Cross museum were thwarted. Rest assured I will get in some quality shopping time instead. Until next time, I look forward to getting my important news updates from the posts John makes this week.