Tuesday, June 29

Come Out, Come Out - So how do loyal Beav readers feel about activists who have started outing gay Hill staffers over their bosses' support for the Federal Marriage Amendment?

The key elements of the backstory are as follows: Local gay activists like John Aravosis and Mike Rogers have been trolling for the names of gay staff who work for any of the FMA's co-sponsors. Once they learn of someone, they'll call the office to out them in the workplace. If the staffer is already out to his or her boss, the activists are also publicizing their allegations more widely.

Probably because I have gay staffer friends, including ones whose bosses support the FMA, I am loathe to endorse this strategy. On the other hand, I would support outing closeted Representatives and Senators who support the FMA or other anti-gay measures. Maybe I am being inconsistent, but I believe there is a qualitative difference between the situations.

The latter is clearly a case of hypocrisy, while the former is a workplace situation that no outsider can fairly judge. Exposing a politician gives the electorate a more accurate basis on which to vote. What exactly does outing low-paid office personnel do? (Well, besides helping them overcome their own issues, but that's hardly relevant politically and has nothing to do with the recent examples of more public outings.)

And what about me? My next-door neighbors are an FMA-co-sponsor and his chief of staff. I am (obviously) out to them both. Do I have an obligation to say something? In the alternative, should I protest or act rudely next time I see them? What do Beav readers think I can or should do?