Friday, May 21

Posterity - When Ben and I started the Beav, I thought it chiefly act as a personal bulletin board, where I could post the many web curiousities I come across on a daily basis. (Before Blogger, I shared these in fairly impermanent ways like an email or a link in a chat window.) As an added bonus, Beaverhausen let me share that hyperlinked material not just with Ben but also with countless others (well, a couple dozen, maybe?) who cared to visit the public site.

But we ain't seen nuthin' yet. The WashPost profiles a conference on using the web-linked storage to retain vast amounts of personal experience. Based solely on today's technology, which will buy you a terabyte of data storage for around $1,000, you could:

  • Store every conversation you have ever had, from the time you are born to the time you die.
  • Snap a photo with a 180-degree fish-eye view of your surroundings for every minute of every day for the rest of your life.

I'm just enough of a geek to think that sounds cool, even if the implications for personal privacy are horrifying.