Sunday, May 1

Little Box, Big Box

The Wall Street Journal notes that some retail chains are trying out a smaller footprint for their stores. The article highlights Best Buy, which is testing two experimental concepts, Escape and Studio D, in an acknowledgement that 50,000 square foot big box store designs don't appeal to all segments of the market.

Meanwhile, Gap has started redesigning some of their stores, launching the new model this week in several Denver area outposts. Additionally, Gap, Inc. has announced the introduction of their fourth concept, Forth & Towne, or F.A.T. as some have taken to calling the chain targeted at middle-aged women.

And speaking of (moderately) new concepts...John, it looks like you are about to get one of Abercrombie's Ruehl 925 stores in your backyard. No doubt, you'll be racing to Tyson's Corner just as soon as it opens.