Thursday, December 23

There's One Born Every Minute - A sucker that is, not a clone. Here's a story about a fool who paid fifty grand to "Genetics Savings & Clone" to recreate a genetic copy of her dear departed cat.

"He is identical. I have not been able to see one difference," said the woman, who asked to be identified only by her first name, Julie.

I wonder if Julie would be as likely to part with her overabundant cash if clones were better known by the scientifically more accurate term "delayed twins." The reality of these creatures is that a clone is not the same animal, but rather its genetic equivalent -- i.e., an identical twin, just one that wasn't born at the same time (or of the same gestational mother). Bioethicists use "delayed twin" to lessen the Dr. Frankenstein horrors of cloning, but the term also makes the whole concept a lot less exotic and, presumably, less marketable to gullible rich people.