Wednesday, September 22

A Site, A Price - Maybe a Decision? - D.C. officials have come forward with their likeliest scenario for moving Major League Baseball to the District. For $440 million they plan to relocate the Montreal Expos to a new stadium on the Anacostia waterfront in Southeast. I think their choice is the right one -- the largely industrial riverfront is in the midst of a major initiative aimed at redevelopment and enviromental cleanup. (Think PacBell Park, Ben.) Unlike some other possible locations, there's no existing residential neighborhood that would be disturbed. To support the 30-year general revenue bonds that would pay for the stadium, the team proposes raising taxes on District businesses making more than $3 million per year. The effect is to place the burden on the community that has clamored most for baseball -- big business. Nevertheless, the concept is not a done deal, neither in the city council nor in baseball's executive committee where opponent (and Orioles-owner) Peter Angelos remains unmollified. The latest slippery deadline for a decision? October 1st.