Tuesday, September 21

Dirty Campaigns & Citizen-Investigators - Christian Grantham over at Outlet Radio has been hard on the trail of a gay-baiting scandal in the Indiana governor's race. It seems that Republican candidate Mitch Daniels -- a relative moderate -- planned to hold a low-key, closed-door meeting with statewide gay groups. However, someone circulated an anonymous invitation to conservative lawmakers and leaders of the local bigot brigade. The plot thickens:

Unbeknownst to the sender, the email header's IP address pointed directly to the Indiana Democratic Party.

It appears that gay bloggers uncovered a dirty Demo scheme to damage Daniels' credibility with the right wing by publicizing his mildly progressive attitudes towards gays. Nice work. Maybe in the future such amateur investigative reporters can lay claim to cash bounties the FTC is considering offering for private citizens who catch spammers.