Friday, April 16

Hometown Business News - The gay-flick barebacking controversy has been overtaken by a mainstream media sensation, as the Associated Press reports that LA-based straight adult video companies are imposing a "voluntary work quarantine" in the wake of an HIV scare. The story was broken by Adult Video News, which confirmed that a woman who worked with a recently-diagnosed male performer has tested positive. The result has been the compilation of list of porn stars who will be quarantined for an incubation period before being allowed back in the business if they test negative. (GPG finds the publication of names to be disturbing.) After some resistance, several companies have even imposed a general moratorium on filming until their stars can be checked out.

It is interesting to see industry players taking the lead in this battle against STDs - especially the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation, which was formed in the aftermath of a similar scare in 1998. Hey, Ben, I see their clinic is in Sherman Oaks. How far is that from where you grew up?