Tuesday, April 13

Veronica's Closet - The lovely Wonkette is my new fave blogger (so much so, we even added her to the blogroll!). And today, she bats one out of the park with her post on the adopted gay son of Operation Rescue leader Randall Terry.

The Terry article is pretty interesting, in that he reiterates that his son was adopted at a fairly old age as a means of waving off any accusations that his parenting may have played a part in the son's behaviors and lifestyle. But in response to his statement that "probably the most painful part for me as a dad is that my son prostituted my name for $5,000: He sold out our family's privacy and private discussions for cold cash. Can you imagine a family member doing that to you?" I must respond that I absolutely cannot imagine that...I really hope that any family member of mine would ask for a lot more than $5,000 before selling out our family's privacy. Come on now, five figures, at least!

And I know how much John loved the Heathers reference in the title of Wonkette's post, so I continue the allusion in my headline as well.