Wednesday, January 12

Washington Lock-Down

To all those skeptics who thought the terror alerts would be over following the election, guess again. Yep, we're fast approaching The Inauguration. (Hmm, possible Clancy - Bruckheimer vehicle?) While some of us working in the restricted zone get the day off to go see Hilary Duff, I'll be stuck here in the middle of it all on K Street NW. Oh, and in case you were thinking of attending the parade, keep in mind this handy list of what is not allowed:

weapons of any kind, aerosols, supports for signs and placards, packages, coolers, thermal or glass containers, backpacks, laser pointers, bags larger than 8 inches by 6 inches by 4 inches and "any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard,"

(According to the Post, the Christian Defense Coalition has protested "a ban on carrying crosses that could be used as weapons.")

For protection, regular police and Secret Service will be augmented by (partial list) explosives-sniffing Army dogs, U.S. Park Police horses, combat troops from the 3rd Infantry Regiment, a Marine Corps NBC rapid reaction force, and a special engineering battalion specializing in collapsed building rescue.I have to say I feel plenty protected!