Monday, January 10

Confessions of a "Young Cell User"

When John sent me this New York Times article on text messaging, I was reminded that I'm often an early adopter of trends (popular amongst teenage girls...hello, What I Like About You). Why target this cautionary tale about text message addiction to teens only? Adults can also be "accustomed to sending unlimited instant messages on their computers" and therefore could end up like the one girl who said after having her phone taken away, "I cried. I felt like I lost a piece of me. You can send a million instant messages a day, and it won't cost you anything. If you send one text message, it can cost you like a phone call." The real question is why aren't the text messaging packages priced more competitively with all-you-can-eat options? I, for one, am looking forward to the day of all-inclusive SMS charges.