Tuesday, June 1

The Anti-Passion - Gibson gave the Bible-thumpers their movie, and now comes a flick for the rest of us.

I couldn't help but feel that way watching Saved! yesterday at the Georgetown Lowes megaplex. In a theater that had to have been one-quarter filled with homosexuals, we all chuckled along with the sardonic skewering of Mandy Moore's evil do-gooder character and sympathized with the lovable outcasts of American Eagle Christian Academy -- the pregnant teenager, the rebellious Jew (?), the snarky handicapped kid, the adorable skater-love interest and of course the cute gay boyfriend who gets sent off to reparative therapy camp. (Hey, it's a comedy - you just know he comes out of it okay!)

While I thoroughly enjoyed myself, part of me was left wondering what kind of a statement this movie -- and Gibson's -- make about the increasingly polarized society we live in. Sure, there will be those in the heartland who enjoy the fun being poked at holy rollers. There may even be some such born-agains who can take being joked. But I imagine that there is a huge segment of this country who won't find the slightest thing funny about Saved!

It bothers me to think that I could have so little in common with my fellow Americans in terms of values and perspective. These days we all seem to harp on the things that separate Red from Blue America. Isn't there something that can bring us together? Maybe there is, but it isn't religion nor politics nor movies. My recommendation is that you go see Saved! only with the rest of your heathen friends.