Thursday, October 2

Candid Cell Phone - This week, the Wall Street Journal warned us about the danger of cell phones with cameras built in. Fearing a spy-cam scenario, some gyms are banning camera phones in their lockerrooms. Not only that, but at a recent party given for her by Rolling Stone, Britney Spears "demanded that the 250 people who attended the bash put cellphones into little padded envelopes left at the door. The fear: that an amateur paparazzo could use a cellphone camera to beam her image from the party to the Internet within seconds."

People are also using their camera phones to both commit and fight crime, from snapping a shot of a robber to "digital shoplifting" -- using camera phones to 'quietly snap a photo, say, of an interesting recipe out of a cooking magazine" at a bookstore.

The people doing this must get much greater image quality than I do. Taking an action shot is impossible...I generally just sneak a pic of a hot guy here and there. If only stupid AT&T Wireless made it easier and cheaper to send pictures I would have taken more at the Folsom Street Fair.