Wednesday, October 1

Geeky UK Sci-Fi - A follow-up, of sorts, to John's Battlestar Gallactica post. Doctor Who is coming back! The long-running BBC series was a staple on PBS stations in the 80s, and I was a loyal fan. For those of you not familiar, the Doctor was a Timelord who had a "ship" that could allow him to travel throughout time and space, often accompanied by a companion (usually a sexy-but-sweet girl). The key to the multi-decade run of the show was the concept that the Doctor could "regenerate;" that is, if the body he lived in was near death (or the actor playing him didn't renew his contract) he could change into a new body.

So that's the background, but just who is involved in this resurrection? That's where the pseudo-controversy is coming in: it's Queer As Folk UK creator Russell T. Davies. Will the new incarnation of the Doctor be gay? Stay tuned.