Friday, May 23

Good News, Everyone! - TiVo may not be in the black yet, but it is getting closer, as the WaPo reports. After recently upgrading to Series 2 and passing up my old set to the 'rents, I certainly have a vested interest in seeing the company succeed. (And I'm not above a little schadenfreude over the troubles of ReplayTV either.)

Now the question becomes: what to record? I think I'll skip the SARS Channel, but Boy Meets Boy sounds like it's right up my alley. A delightful spin on straight reality dating shows like The Bachelor, the Bravo vehicle,

features an eligible man looking for love in a pool of 15 potential mates. But in a twist worthy of the bogus baron on Fox's "Joe Millionaire," some of the suitors are actually heterosexual men who were paid by the program to pretend to be gay -- unbeknownst to the eligible bachelor.

BmB will be hosted by South African vixen Dani Behr. (I guess she's given up footballers to become a flame dame.) The fun begins this July, date TBA.