Monday, July 12

FMA = Fight More Aggressively - Federal Marriage Amendment proponents in California acknowledge that they're fighting an uphill battle: "People on the street in Los Angeles or Sacramento don't necessarily realize the significance of what's happening in the courts," said Matt Daniels, president of the Alliance for Marriage, a group leading the fight for a federal constitutional amendment. Same-sex marriage is so far removed from most people's lives, Daniels said, that "people are not thinking about this." (emphasis mine)

And really, this statement makes sense. For all the scare tactics being used, gay marriage isn't on the radar for most Average Americans. To back up this satesment, let me turn to Jimbo's view as he visited the heartland: Most straight people "couldn’t really give a shit. Our lives are not on their radar, and vice versa. It’s not an issue of malice with the majority of Americans, it’s pure indifference and complete lack of awareness...When they see a 5 second news blip on the nightly news about gay protests in San Francisco or New York, they have a momentary thought that 'those queers are mad about something again,' and 'Tee hee - two men getting married, isn't that cute?' and that’s the end of it."

Now, the Human Rights Campaign is taking this strategy to heart. They are highlighting the fact that in battleground states like Ohio, the economy is far more important to most voters than gay marriage: When the President appeared in Cincinnati recently, HRC "ran a full-page ad in the local newspaper that read: 'Jobs lost in Ohio since 2001: 255,000; Gay marriages in Ohio: 0. Focus on Americans' real priorities, Mr. President.'"