Monday, May 10

Graphic Depictions - In all this uproar over the infamous prisoner photos from Abu Ghraib, why isn't anyone commenting on the fact that posed homosexual situations appear to be the aspect that has most outraged Arab and world opinion?

To this homo, the whole thing smacks of out-of-control male machismo, which is especially rampant in (a) the Middle East and (b) the Bush administration. In many cases, prisoners could have both reclaimed their dignity and robbed their tormentors of their power by simply refusing to let "the gay thing" get to them. But then again, we all know how such taunts can trigger something primordial and violent in many men. Powerlessness to defend one's "dignity" in the face of such affronts leads directly to the very humiliation and defeat the captors were seeking.

I don't know which is more pathetic: that our military is playing gay S&M/bondage games with prisoners or that men are so predictable the world over that such tactics apparently work.

UPDATE: Okay, as blogger Stephen Miller commented on this topic some time after I posted, the Wash Blade did have an article on this topic last Friday. My bad.