Friday, February 6

What to serve at your gay-wedding reception - Will the first publicly traded gay-owned company in the U.S. be a specialty winemaker marketing specifically to homos? Color this securities lawyer skeptical. (Their online solicitation for investment inquiries may even be a violation of law.)

Can't say I'm impressed by that marketing concept in this post-gay age where the rainbow flag is tres passé and even straight men are purchasing cross-over products like moisturizer. But I guess if you are a struggling small business in an incredibly cutthroat industry like craft wine-making, you try any angle you can. (Pity they don't simply rely on the merits of their wines, which seem to have garnered fair praise.)

I'd say you should drop in on them, Ben, on your and Kevin's next visit to Napa - except that they don't seem to have an established vinyard. Their offices are in Palm Springs, heh. But whatever you do, keep your investment dollars far, far away.