Thursday, February 5

Independent Analysis from the Washington Times - During my quest for background on the statistics relevant to percentages of gay couples, I also found this little gem of an article that ran in the Washington Times this summer. The gist of the article is that gay relationship don't last very based on a study of "young Dutch homosexual men." This term is, of course, never clearly defined. The author then equates the average duration of the Dutch gay male relationships with the percentage of first marriages in the United States that last at least ten years. (Unfortunately, there's no indication given if the brides and grooms in the American group practiced abstinence before their weddings.)

But here is the kicker of a quote from the Times:

    [Gay] "Fidelity is not defined in terms of sexual behavior but rather by their emotional commitment to each other," the authors said. "Ninety-five percent of the couples have an arrangement whereby the partners may have sexual activity with others.

NINETY-FIVE percent! That should be scary news to conservatives and religious types: gays are going to redefine what it means to be monogamous! Screw the equal rights and tax breaks of marriage...James Dobson needs to be worried that his flock could start thinking about going to a swingers parties if they see that gay couple Jim & Jason Smith-Smith from down the street have an "understanding" even though they are married.