Wednesday, February 18

The Anti-Newsom - Meet Scott J. Bloch, the head of the Office of Special Counsel, a watchdog agency whose mission is to protect whistleblowers and other federal employees from retribution. He's in the news because he has removed information from the OSC website regarding the rights of federal employees who think they have been fired for being gay. It appears that most if not all references to "sexual orientation" as a protected class have gone missing, and the HRC and the umbrella group for gay federal employees are raising a stink. Quoth the lawyer-law professor and former head of the DOJ's faith-based task force:

"It is wrong to discriminate against any federal employee, or any employee, based on discrimination. But, it is wrong for me, as a federal government official, to extend my jurisdiction beyond what Congress gives me in the actual interpretation of the statutes."

There ya go, Ryan: one executive branch official who is proactive in interpreting the statutes according to his good conscience.