Friday, January 30

Focus On Your Own Damn Family - When the VH1 special Totally Gay (last item) touted a light-hearted lexicon of gay-related words, it didn't include today's Word-Spy entry, "straight supremacist." A versatile cousin of "bigot brigade," the term can be used as both a noun and an adjective. "Straight supremacist" succinctly conveys disdain while utterly assaulting (insulting?) all that your opponent stands for. Try it out at your next cocktail party!

It is somehow fitting to see the expression used in places like the Ole Miss student newspaper. After all, state governments in the deep South tend to adhere strictly to the Taliban-like prescriptions of James Dobson and his ilk. You can't blame Dixie homos for appropriating the forceful, plain-spoken civil rights rhetoric long used against groups like the Klan and the CCC.