Tuesday, December 17

Bloggers I Have Known Before - I just discovered that one of the "star" bloggers on the net, Glenn Reynolds, who now teaches at UT Law School, is in fact one of my former UVa Law professors. His blog Instapundit is widely read, especially in neo-conservative/libertarian circles. It is also quoted all the time by the likes of Andrew Sullivan and James Taranto.

Reynolds spent only a year at Virginia as a visiting professor, and I ended up taking both of the classes he taught -- International Business Transactions and Space Law. I recall he had a brilliantly dry and sarcastic wit that often went unappreciated, but it hit home with me. Typical example: When he was introducing the subject of international trade law to our class, Reynolds commented that such law was so irredeemably boring that "it makes ERISA law look like jumping out of airplanes to fight forest fires." Okay, well I laughed.

So I like the guy, even if he did give me only a "B" in Space Law. Space Law! That was my thing back in the day.