Friday, May 31

In-Fighting - The Datalounge provides a good summary of the gossip war waging online between the trifecta of gay "writers" with eponymous websites, Andrew Sullivan, Michelangelo Signorile, and Matt Drudge. I tend to agree with the assessment of Datalounge - throw Mikey and Drew into a hotel room and let em fight it out for alpha dog. Maybe the ensuing brawl could even be broadcast on one of the new gay cable networks! But comparing them to Matalin and Carville? First of all, Mickey is MUCH prettier than Mary Matalin. Secondly, Matalin and Carville have held positions of actual power, albeit behind the scenes, within presidential administrations. Drew, Mikey and Matt are constantly ranting because they are bitter they never made it to the inner circle themselves. See more on the "world-famous gaycatholictorygapmodel" Drew (or Sully to those less intimate) in The Nation.