Thursday, May 30

License Plates - Re: your item on the Washington Post article on Semtember 11th memorial license plates. From what I can tell, this plate raises no money for charity for victims, it simply "...puts Virginia in the forefront of support for America's effort to stamp out terrorism." Hmmm....because it is a critical issue for VA to show that they are more patriotic than the rest of the country?

California, of course, has its own (hideous) plate, with the proceeds going to the Antiterrorism Fund and the California Memorial Scholarship Fund. I mean, people can get whatever vanity plate they want, but I don't think there's any doubt that the Commonwealth of Virginia is against terrorism nor any chance of them forgetting about the tragedies. However, I'm a traditionalist, with no bumper sticker or vanity plate marring the pristine appearance of my automobile. So if this type of display helps people to cope in some small way, then I suppose I cannot begrudge them.