Games People Play - I read about the controversy over promotions for Friday's 20/20 earlier this morning and didn't think much of it. But then, I happened to be listening to talk radio in the afternoon. My goodness, people are quick to anger even (especially?) when they don't have all the information. So, the story is that a promo ran about an adoption story that made it a reality game show. Barbara Walters apologized on The View this morning for the way in which the promo was selling the story, clarifying that the cameras were simply following a young woman who had chosen to give her child up for adoption. Oh, and by the way, Barbara Walters is the mother of an adopted child. This situation where the birth mother is relinquishing her parental rights is not one that was created by Walters or ABC News.
In response to the talk radio callers: Yes, ABC News is at times guilty of liberal media bias. That being said, the public has not yet had an opportunity to view this story, only the promotions for it. But, based on the information I've seen, this story is about adoption, not a game show or an advertisement for abortion. Promotional materials often take things to an extreme in order to advertise and sell a product. (Hello, NBC's melodramatic promotions department?) This story on 20/20 may be stupid or exploitative or poorly reported, but it's not a game. But, really, don't potential adoptive parents compete for the limited pool of healthy, Caucasian babies every day?
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