Thursday, March 4

Mate-o-matic 2000 - My perfect match, in terms of physical attractiveness to me, lies somewhere between him and him. That's the outcome of a scientific photo-based test I took at I ran through the test kind of quickly, but supposedly it works best if you go by your gut. Fair enough - I think it came out mostly right.

Here are some of the psychological conclusions the test drew about what physical attributes I look for in a man:

  • First off, I'm officially "picky," being drawn to "the most handsome of the handsome." I am more selective than most men "my age." What does that mean? I could be a great casting agent, because I have a good eye for men who have "star quality." Well, I guess since I'm not actually looking for a mate, I can afford to choose the best of the best, right?
  • My body-type preferences ranged from "meso-endomorph" - big and strong - to "endomorph" - solid and stocky. A meso has big bones, noticable in his wide shoulders and thick wrists, and muscular shoulders, which are "perfect for resting your head on," not to mention "big strong arms to wrap around you." [grin] An endo is not overweight, but his big bones, muscles, and overall mass make him "hard to miss." "His broad shoulders and big arms convey a sense of safety." Damn, they really got me here.
  • I'm drawn to men with pointed-square chins and brown eyes. I may not have been aware, but those "smoldering brown eyes" apparently stood out to me on an unconscious level. Supposedly they "give the impression of softness and mystery." A strong, masculine nose was also a big turn-on for me, although I liked men with a variety of noses. Hmm, Jamie has caramel eyes and a Roman nose...
  • Men with a soft smile or grin seemed more appealing to me than men with big "toothy" smiles. I am told the preference for soft smiles fits my overall interest in men who appear "honest warm, and approachable." Well, duh.
  • Surprisingly, I found out that a good head of hair is "a real turn on" for me. While I liked men with a variety of hair styles, I seemed to have a special interest in men with full, wavy hair, which tend to give men a certain "boyish" quality. I'm also drawn to a shorter, masculine cut; longer hair on men is too feminine for my taste. The test says that I can appreciate an attractive man with a shaved head, though it tells me that look isn't what I find most appealing. Sorry, honey!
  • Less shocking is my attraction towards facial hair on the right man. Men with neatly-trimmed beards or goatees seem to get "a second glance." Maybe I find masculine-looking men especially appealing or maybe I "just like the way beards tickle in all the right places!" [Girlish giggle.] I am also attracted to a hairy chest on the right man, fitting my overall preference for the masculine. Apparently, even a little hair on a man's back is not going to be a turn off. [Heh.]

Brawny woofsters with facial scruff and shaggy hair? What a surprise. So far, so good - and damn close to the guy I wake up next to most mornings - well, except for the hair part. (I did not consciously try to match myself to Jamie.)

In addition to my prime matches, I had a very good group of "maybes." It's interesting that they were not selected for me, since I thought I gave them high marks. But the test also asks you which men would make good dates. The software speculated that I was "under-selling" myself to some of the hotties or that I had a bad reaction based on experience with men who looked like them.

Anyways, dear Bhaus readers, give the test a try and post your own results in the comments for all to see. It's fun.