Monday, February 23

"John"? That's So Commonplace - As Ben notes, we held the obligatory all-gay farewell party for the SATC girls at our house last night. (Did every major daily run an article on the group TV theme?) I have to agree with the woman at Felix whose two-word review of the finale was a disdainful "Too easy." As the Post summarized:

[T]he show gave Carrie's friend Charlotte a Chinese baby, and Samantha told her boyfriend, Smith, he meant more to her than any other man ever, and Miranda showed that she loved her husband Steve enough to care for -- and bathe -- his frustrating but very sick mother...

But even worse than these tidy little plots, we had Carrie Bradshaw back at that damn PowerBook, voicing over another silly rhetorical question from her once-and-future sex column. Ugh. After six years, it turns out the story arc is actually a circle? I'd have expected a bit more from Sex than a corny Friends-style wrap-up. Oh, well - at least we've got everything neatly lined up for the big screen version, right?

P.S. When the Post mentions "a guy in a FDNY baseball cap" who attended the Felix party - the only male cited in the entire article - is that code for a homothexual?