Friday, September 19

Graham - Well, now that we've gotten all that hurricane talk out of our systems, let's get back to business. Kevin and I went to see Graham Norton: Red-Handed last night. Graham is on an abbreviated tour, only making stops in Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. He kicked off the one-man-show by saying that it was going to be entirely different from So Graham Norton. But really, it wasn't. There were no celebrity guests, but he did the same kind of bawdy (but not truly raunchy) and amusing (but not belly-laugh-inducing) bits he does on the telly.

I thought it was funny that the reviews raved about show--we liked it, but were mildly disappointed that it wasn't more intense and controversial. He did a series of Bush and Iraq jokes that seemed dated. Stick to what you do best, Graham: celebrity insults! He had a great line about Goldie Hawn, but Kevin and I were really waiting for a Catherine Zeta-Jones joke, but one never materialized.

Graham does come off precisely as he does on screen: a manic extrovert able to dish out clever quips with ease. The best moments were his interactions with the audience (a frightening bunch themselves) but unfortunately, the "phone bit" where he called into a sex line fell more than a little flat for me. Plus, everyone knows that San Franciscans use Craig's List for quick tricking!