Wednesday, April 30

Gay is Learned, Left-handedness is Inborn - The city of Covington, Kentucky this week approved a new ordinance against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. But to me, even more interesting was one of the comments that came out as part of the campaign against the vote. See the quote:

"These kind of laws create a growing acceptance of homosexuality," Miller said. "Our children are the most vulnerable to this, because they will grow up thinking that homosexuality is normal, healthy, natural — you're either left- or right-handed, you either like chocolate or vanilla, you're either gay or straight. And they will naturally suffer harm, pain and heartache and health consequences, if they experiment with same-sex behavior."

Wait a minute...where's the campaign against this growing acceptance of left-handedness? Now there's a crusade i think we can all get behind...returning to the right way of doing things. (wink wink nudge nudge) Next thing you know, they'll have stores devoted to this sinister path.

The only thing worse than a lefty is a left-handed homo, right John and Kevin and Rob?