Tuesday, November 26

Our Friends, the Saudis - (With apologies to James Taranto.) It was nice to read in the Washington Post this morning that senior Bush administration officials feel this way about hate crimes:

"There may be tens of millions of dollars spent to fund terrorism, but there are hundreds of millions of dollars spent to propagate extreme, intolerant religious views that are highly critical of Western values, and that is our most bedeviling problem," a senior U.S. official said. "When money goes to the propagation of uncompromising, unforgiving, hostile views of other faiths, and they broadcast that, it is more likely than not the money is going to be used for violence."

Of course, the speaker was talking about the money funnelled by rich Saudis into promoting their extremist Wahhabi sect of Islam. Maybe they didn't appreciate the irony that the same words could apply to certain faith-based groups in this country. (Are you listening Donald Wildmon?)