Wednesday, August 7

Nancy Boys Part II - More left-wing propaganda from the Village Voice, this time making the absurd claim that lesbian mothers can raise boys to be men just as well as, or better than (!), their heterosexual counterparts.

The core thesis appears to be that boys who lack a father in their family will "create" their own male role models. Ms. Drexler says boys draw from occasional visits to biological fathers, from men their mothers have deliberately introduced into the family circle, or from the world of sports as well as real-life heroes or fictional characters. This last category leads the author to make the claim that "these boys are forging healthy, well-integrated masculine identities whether they actually meet their role models or not." (Italics mine.)

At least, these SOL's (sons of lesbians) measure up to Drexler's vision of what the perfect man would be: sensitive, thoughtful, open, self-aware, empathetic and "integrated into a post-feminist culture." In other words, a new generation of Voice subscribers. Well, it could be worse. They could be making french toast out of the Nancy Drew Cookbook.