Friday, July 19

Camille - Drew heralds the return of Camille Paglia, and so do I. I'm not sure how I feel about FrontPage Magazine, since it appears to be a David Horowitz vehicle, but I'm glad Paglia found an outlet after leaving Salon amidst that company's economic misfortunes. The subject of her review, "The Great Gay Debate," aired on C-SPAN last week.

Paglia is an internationally known social critic and author, noted for her focus on sexual issues, media and art. Of her two most famous books Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, and Vamps and Tramps: New Essays, I've read and enjoyed the first. I really appreciate her savvy wit and the relish with which she skewers the intellectually weak, sloppy or just plain lazy. Those more familiar with her style might find this item amusing.

Yeah, so I'm a groupie, what of it?