Thursday, June 20

Prison Rape - The National Review has a provocative piece on prison rape today. Unfortunately, instead of evoking the intended emotion in me, it upset me that this problem is one that we should even care about. People are in jail for a reason, and while no one should be subjected to unduly torturous conditions, (anyone take issue with that point?) I don't think that devoting more resources to fight it is a top priority. We're not talking about this type of thing happening in a minimum-security white-collar country club correctional facility. How about putting more money into education instead of corrections in order to prevent criminals from committing crimes and being imprisoned in the first place? Well, I guess I must be "without compassion." Hasn't the author seen American History X? Once Edward Norton's character is forcibly sodomized in the prison shower, he starts to understand that his neo-Nazi activities were unforgivably wrong. Shouldn't such brutal, graphic depictions be deterrent enough?